My First Thread :)

Hi i am started a structured programming class which leads into an object-oriented programming (oop) course next semester - the oop one after that.
i am extremely excited to start my journey.
i took the pre-req for the course and got an A we just went over pseudo code and flowchart but to my surprise we went over some complicated stuff and i feel it really helped me out. well im on chapter 5 of the book we are going to use, just getting ahead. for instance, in pseudo you you would maybe prompt like javascript:tx('display "Please enter your name"')in C++ that would be cout for javascript:tx('C')onsole javascript:tx('o'). pseudo code is language indifferent so the idea is to take it to any language. and thats output for C++
input takes manys forms such as javascript:tx('getline(cin, var); cin >>; char = cin.get();').

i will be looking forward to coming here for enlightenment
when i learn something cool i want to share it
for frustration
when i dont get something i want to learn it
and for fun
i love to talk to people
and meeting new people.
i look forward to getting to know you guys :)>

now i have a challenge question.
i tutor in trigonometry at my college and i asked the professor i tutor for how to do sine without a calulator. he couldnt asnwer me he said though he had some way they did it with out calculators when he went to school so i was wondering how the calculators would be programmed.
and if they use something like <cmath>'s sin function object, then how does the sine object work? - how would you go about programming something like sine?

remember a right triangle has three sides - the longest one is always the hypotenuse, the edge touching the angel of measure is adjacent and the one that isnt is opposite - sine is opposite over hypotenuse.
Pythagorean theory!!!
i will fix that code later
Before computers, people used slide rules to compute functions like the sine. From sine you can get other trig functions. Slide rules were good to 2 or 3 digits of accuracy.

I believe early calculators used coordinate rotation to compute sine. If you look it up you'll see how it's done. A bit of trivia: I believe the first scientific hand-held calculator (the HP 35) had less than 1 kilobyte of program memory.

There are probably also Taylor series expansions for the trig functions. That's the benefit of the Taylor series: computing transcendental functions.
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