Decode id3v2-3.0 tags

The following code is simple, compact and can be easily ported into small critical apps.

I wonder if there are such simple algorithms for other versions of MP3 files.


Decode id3v2-3.0 tags
I don't use the header length to determine loop end, it is unreliable
ip is the input pointer which starts at file_start + 10
The requested entries are copied via strcpyn
which converts any string nicely to a null terminated ascii string
this cleanup is done for file management purposes, since
AlbumArtist, Album and Title are used for file/path naming


char tag[36]="TIT2TPE1TALBTPE2TCONTYER",*ip,c,*list,pTAG[7][256];
int i,len,curtag,cnt=sizeof(tag)/4+1;

// decode tags until non alpha tag reached
// scan current tag against list
for(i=0,curtag=*((int *)ip),list=tag;i<cnt;i++,list=list+4)
if(curtag==*((int*)list))break ;

// reverse int length to small endian
// start of next tag is data length plus 11, but data len is 1 out

// if tag is on list then remember else skip
if (i<cnt) strcpyn(pTAG[i],ip+11,len-11);

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I wonder if there are such simple algorithms for other versions of MP3 files.
What do you mean? Is there something specifically that you're looking for?
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