We're going to do an inventory management system. In the real world, this would use a database, not a file. Inventory contains
item names (or description), like "socks, - red" or "socks - blue". Thius has to be a character string that WILL include spaces.
item numbers that are unique to the item, similar to UPC codes, like 121821 or 128122. These are usually character strings.
a price, like 4.99, a double.
a quantity on hand, like 13, an integer.
Your code need to have the following features, all accessible from a menu.
Add a new inventory item to the data in memory. You'll type in the inventory number, description, quantity and price. This will also update the number of items on the menu screen.
List the inventory on the screen in neat columns. Display it in chucks of 15 items with a pause in between.
Search the inventory for an item by inventory number. If found, print the stored info, otherwise print 'not found'.
Calculate the total value on hand. The sum is the accumulation of all the (quantities * prices).
Save what's in memory to the disk
Overwrite what's in memory from the disk
The way your work this is you'll load a file, add, search, etc, then write it back to disk.
An array of objects works nicely if you read ahead, although this isn't required, see my code below (sorry about the indenting).
Here's a sample menu:
1) Add an item to memory
2) Search memory for an item
3) List what's in memory
4) Total value on hand
5) Save to a file
6) Read in from a file
class invItem
string name;
string number;
double price;
int quantity;
void printItem(invItem someitem);
int main()
/// read in one record
string itemName;
string itemNumber;
double itemPrice;
int itemQuantity;
/// read in a single record from a file
string inputBuffer;
ifstream invFile("invent1.txt"); /// declares and opens
/// read and convert an item.
getline(invFile, itemName);
getline(invFile, itemNumber);
getline(invFile, inputBuffer);
itemPrice = atof(inputBuffer.c_str());
getline(invFile, inputBuffer);
itemQuantity = atoi(inputBuffer.c_str());
To read the whole file use a loop that works like:
while (!eof)
read 4 lines into strings
if (!eof)
convert and store the elements into the array
/// write a single record to a file
ofstream invOutFile("invent1.txt", ios::app); /// declare and open for append
invOutFile << "White Sox" << endl;
invOutFile << "82452374293742" << endl;
invOutFile << 6.99 << endl;
invOutFile << 20 << endl;
/// build a single invItem object
invItem someitem;
someitem.name="Green Socks";
/// build an array of invItem objects and save one to disk
invItem items[1000];
items[0].name="Yellow Socks";
ofstream invOutFile2("invent1.txt", ios::app); /// declare and open for append
invOutFile2 << items[0].name << endl;
invOutFile2 << items[0].number << endl;
invOutFile2 << items[0].price << endl;
invOutFile2 << items[0].quantity<< endl;