Getting values from ini file
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How do I make it so that it can read that integer |
Try this to load it from the file:
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CIniReader reader("Yourfilename");
int X = reader.ReadInteger("TPCoordinate", "TP1_X", -1 );
if (X != -1) // value was there
// use X
and then put it into a form textbox? I'm using a button to load those coordinates into a textbox. |
This depends what are you using - C++/CLI or Win API or...
It turns out, it was working, but my file path was wrong.
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CIniReader iniReader(".\\settings.ini");
CIniWriter iniWriter(".\\settings.ini");
if (dwTPC == 1)
this->TP1_X->Text = iniReader.ReadInteger("TPCoordinate", "TP1_X", 0).ToString();
this->TP1_Y->Text = iniReader.ReadInteger("TPCoordinate", "TP1_Y", 0).ToString();
this->TP2_X->Text = iniReader.ReadInteger("TPCoordinate", "TP2_X", 0).ToString();
this->TP2_Y->Text = iniReader.ReadInteger("TPCoordinate", "TP2_Y", 0).ToString();
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