int main(){
// Bubble Grader Main Driver program created by Bob Bradley for CSCI 221 Program 4 Fall 2015.
// Use the code below as is. You can comment out the code and then start uncommenting to get going.
// Ask the user - Which file do you want to grade?
// and read it into a test name variable
cout << "Which file do you want to grade? " << endl;
string testName;
cin >> testName;
// Load the number of answers and correctAnswers array from the Key file named: Test Name + "_key.txt"
// Quit the program if not found.
char correctAnswers[100];
int answerCount;
if (!loadKey(testName, correctAnswers, answerCount)){
cout << "Sorry, unable to open up that key file so quitting!" << endl;
return 0;
// Load the student file with the number of students
// and the names and answers for each student
int studentCount;
string fNames[100], lNames[100];
char studentAnswers[100][100];
// grade - print and compare each student's answer to the correct answer and show the score
// and create the correct counts array, which will have how many answer each student got correct
// sort and print by name - modify the sort code from the slides
sortByName(lNames, fNames, correctCounts, studentCount);
printGrades("SORTED BY NAME", lNames, fNames, correctCounts, answerCount, studentCount);
// sort and print by score - modify the sort code from the slides
sortByScore(lNames, fNames, correctCounts, studentCount);
printGrades("SORTED BY SCORE", lNames, fNames, correctCounts, answerCount, studentCount);
// Grade Stats
// Go though the correct counts array, recaculate each student's grade and then
// count how many As, Bs, Cs, Ds and Fs there are total.