C++ Loaded question.. Generating Transcript - Need help!

Hello everybody,

this is my first post here; I've gotten a lot of useful information from browsing this website for my C++ intro class at University,so thanks to this big community!

The assignment is quite lengthy, but I'm in desperate need for help as I do not know where to start.

My professor submitted a PDF which is LONG and requires me to email the pdf.

Brief description:
if anybody can help with the following steps

I need to compute an Overall GPA, term GPA and a Major GPA (algorithm)

There are 2 input files in which I need to get and read to generate an unofficial transcript (calculate overall GPA and term GPA, and major GPA).

then output the "unofficial transcript".
extra points awarded for writing the output to a file.

If anybody can help! communication can be extended past this forum as well.

I need to e-mail or (similar alternative) for anyone to see the assignment pdf

Thank you everyone

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I only require $100 / hour and in this case payment in advance would be required.

Otherwise, Do what you know and post your code here for comments.
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