When I put while (valid = true) the loop prompts me to input Pass but then the program does nothing. When I put while (valid = false) the program doesn't prompt for the input and immediately ends. How do I get this loop to execute properly? It is a bit confusing when a loop contains this many if statements.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
void testLength(int Pass[], int valid);
void testCaps(int Pass[], int valid);
void testNum(int Pass[], int valid);
int main()
int Pass, valid;
while (valid = true)
cout << "Please enter a password:";
cin >> Pass;
int Pass[sizeof(Pass)];
testLength(Pass, valid);
if (valid = true)
testCaps(Pass, valid);
if (valid = true)
testNum(Pass, valid);
if (valid = true)
cout << "Passwords must include at least one number" << endl;
cout << "Passwords must include at least one uppercase letter" << endl;
cout << "Passwords must be at least 7 characters long" << endl;
if (valid = true) break;
cout << "Thank you, that is a valid password" << endl;
return 0;
void testLength(int Pass[], int valid)
if (sizeof(Pass) >= 7)
valid = true;
else valid = false;
void testCaps(int Pass[], int valid)
valid = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < sizeof(Pass))
if (Pass[i] >= 'A' && Pass[i] <= 'Z')
valid = true;
i = i + 1;
void testNum(int Pass[], int valid)
valid = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < sizeof(Pass) - 1)
if (Pass[i] >= '0' && Pass[i] <= '9')
valid = true;
i = i + 1;