Help with Student Score Data Menu Program Using Structures

I am working on a programming assignment that deals with Structures and saving an output file storing information about student scores. I am confused on correctly calling the structure as a function to output the data the user inputs. I would really appreciate any help and input as to what I should do.
Below I wrote out some of the prompt as to what I am suppose to do:

Data Structures (variables and the array of structures) to retain the information in the main memory of the computer:
(i) Instead of using an array of double to store the scores in programming 6A, now
you should use an array of stdRecord structures in your main function to record both names and scores of the students:
stdRecord myStdRecords[100];
(ii) You should still declare in your main function a variable int numStudents to store the information of the number of students. This allows the user to handle any number of students as long as it is no more than 100 students. In the beginning, let this variable be initialized to 0.
File format to retain the information in files: A file for holding the information of a test for Programming #6B should consist of numbers and names with each number and name on a separate line. The first number in the file should be the number of students in the class, followed by the first name, the last name, and the test score of the first student, and then those for the second student, and so forth, one by one. For example, the following would be the contents in a file showing the names and scores of two students in a class:

John Brown
Maria Cook

Revise your program for #6A accordingly to incorporate the information processing of both names and scores throughout the options provided by the program. In addition, (i) for option D we would like to display the names of all the students with the highest and all the students with the lowest score respectively, and (ii) for option Q we would like to check with the user to see whether we should save the contents in numStudents and myStdRecords into a file before closing the program and quit. See the details below.
 K: the Keyboard option for the user to (i) manually enter the information of the number of students in the class and store it in numStudents and then (ii) for each student manually enter the first name, the last name, and the score of the student and store them in the data members of the corresponding stdRecord structure within the array myStdRecords accordingly.
 R: to Read from a file (with the file name entered by the user) the information of (i) the number of students in the class and store it in numStudents and then (ii) for each student read the first name, the last name, and the score from the file and store them in the data members of the corresponding stdRecord structure within the array myStdRecords accordingly.
 D: to Display (i) the number of student in the class and then for each student the name and the corresponding score of the student currently stored in the array, (ii) calculate and display the average of the scores, (iii) calculate and
display the highest score and display the names of all the students with the highest score (note that there may be multiple students with that highest score), and (iv) calculate and display the lowest score and display the names of all the students with the lowest score (note that there may be multiple students with that lowest score),
 M: to Modify one of the scores by re-entering a new score, a new first name, and a new last name from the keyboard,
 W: to Write the number of students into a file (ask the user to enter the file name and read it from the user), and then for each student write the first name, the last name, and the score into the file, properly separating these prices of information into separate lines (or separating them with spaces in between).
 Q: to Quit the program. However, before quitting program, your program should ask the user whether the user wants to save the contents in numStudents and myStdRecords into some file before closing the program. If the user wants to do so, the program should go through all the things required in option W to save the information into a file before closing the program.
Thank you!
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Here is a link to my current code:
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