I need to know how to make one function that calls multiple functions. This is the code I have so far.
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//CS 575, Lab Exercise, Stefan Olarte
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// call the other 3 (or 4 if extra credit) funcs,
// so f( "CS 1505 Pierce College" ) returns
// "cs####pIERCEcOLLEGE" (full credit)
// "cs####pIERCEcOLEGE" (extra credit), or
// "cs#pIERCEcOLEGE" (extra credit)
string f(const string & s);
string removeSpaces(const string & s);
string changeCase(const string & s);
string redactDigits(const string & s);
// extra credit
// replace consecutive occurrences of the same char
// with a single occurrence
// e.g. removeRepetitions( "Molly greeted 11112 guests" )
// returns "Moly greted 12 guests"
string removeRepetions(const string & s);
int main() {
cout << "Spaces removed: " << endl;
cout << removeSpaces("CS 1505 Pierce College") << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Cases changed: " << endl;
cout << changeCase("CS 1505 Pierce College") << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Repititions removed: " << endl;
cout << removeRepetions("aaabbbccddeefgg") << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Digits changed: " << endl;
cout << redactDigits("4 pizzas and 87 beers") << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "All combined: " << endl;
cout << f("CS 1505 Pierce College") << endl;
cout << endl;
string changeCase(const string & s) {
string ret;
for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < s.size(); pos++) {
if (s[pos] >= 'a' && s[pos] <= 'z')
ret += (s[pos] - 32);
if (s[pos] >= 'A' && s[pos] <= 'Z')
ret += (s[pos] + 32);
if (s[pos] < 'A')
ret += s[pos];
return ret;
string removeSpaces(const string & s) {
string ret;
for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < s.size(); pos++)
if (s[pos] != ' ')
ret += s[pos]; // same as ret = ret + s[pos]
return ret;
string removeRepetions(const string & s) {
string ret;
for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < s.size(); pos++)
ret += s[pos];
return ret;
string redactDigits(const string & s) {
string ret;
for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < s.size(); pos++) {
if (s[pos] >= 48 && s[pos] <= 57)
ret += '#';
ret += s[pos];
return ret;
string f(const string & s) {
return string removeSpaces(const string & s);
return string changeCase(const string & s);
return string redactDigits(const string & s);
I need string f(const string & s) to do all 3 of those functions but I can't figure out how..Please help. I've tried multiple ways.
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string f(const string & s) {
string result = removeSpaces(s);
result = changeCase(result);
result = redactDigits(result);
return result;
or, if you're feeling frisky:
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string f(const string & s) {
return redactDigits(changeCase(removeSpaces(s)));
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