very important please help!!!!!!

I will submit my project please help

1st Stage will write something into a text document, but you will not be gaps between açıcak
2nd stage you will embed text into this program and you will shoot in 8 characters 8 characters
8l character after this one under this program in order dump
8 characters, then you put it at the bottom
The probe near the end of last 8l first 8l second probe under way and will be finished to such popularity

this assignment

1st Stage - You will use the StreamReader or filestream
2nd stage - TXT document threw to read out the text string you pull a string or char according to him,
You will suffer because of the continuous loop cycle you will want to transfer to a string array using the split method, you will have read the series because he wanted to reverse the reverse.
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Could you send writing program..waiting
Ok first, you should know this is not a do-your-homework site. We can give you a hand, but you'll have to take that first step. And second, if you're really stuck, consider giving us your professor's homework instructions exactly as is.
I started solving program 8 lim author as sub-sub-divide now I need to write them side by side with reverse


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main ()
{FILE * file1; char mixed [1000] [8]; int i = 0, j = 0;
file1 = fopen ("deneme.txt", "r");
if (file1! = NULL)
{while (! feof (file1))
fgets (hash [i], 9, file1);
printf ("% s \ n", mixed [i]);
i ++;
for (j = 0; j <i, j ++) // this line and the bottom line is I made to check the accuracy of mixed series
printf ("% s \ n", & mixed [j]);

printf ("File not found");

fclose (file1);
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