Splitting strings

Pages: 123
i don't know how to use vectors yet but i think it returns a pointer to a std::string so you need to dereference it
That is an iterator, not a pointer.
Where can I find some clear information about that? I've seen it before, never really used it.

For example, what is const_iterator?
Thank you, Bazzy.

I just realised I actually did use it before, just forget it lol. I've looked it up again and in the example the word "iterator" is used, while here "const_iterator" is used. What's the difference?

I think I fully understand that code now, but I never used other library's. I have downloaded " Boost C++ Libraries" (both the .zip and .7z, windows) and the documentation tells me I should best download an installer, but both the .zip and .7z files doesn't contain any installers (there is a file "install", but it can't be opened. It has no extension).

So how can I install it?
A const_iterator is an iterator of which you can't modify the object it's pointing to.
For Windows download boost via boostpro: http://www.boostpro.com/download

Thank you - I've installed it. The installation is complete, but how to use it now? Do I need to specify the path somewhere in Visual Studio?
i never said it's a pointer...
Yeah, I'm fully understanding now how it works. I'm just having trouble with the library itself now :(
@blackcoder41: sorry -- I didn't see your response when I replied. My answer was directed at Bv202.
No problem. I'm still stuck at getting the libraries to work. Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks =)
nope. i prefer standard string manipulation anyway..
@Bv202: What error message(s) are you getting?
Just this:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/algorithm/string.hpp': No such file or directory
Bazzy is going to have to take this one. I've only used Boost on Unix/Linux.
It sounds like the development environment is not set up to include boost's header file path
in the INCLUDE path.
So what am I supposed to do now?
Go into your project settings. Somewhere it will allow you to add additional directories
to search for includes. Find where the boost headers are installed on your system and
add that path.
i dont want to be insolent, but did u ever read the c++ tutorial on this page, Bv202?
Go to Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories
On "Include Files" add the directory where boost headers are located
On "Library Files" add the directory where the binary library files are located
Pages: 123