I have a method: string* generateCodewords() of class HuffmanTree.
This method should return an array with 256 elements containing codewords for the characters in the considered text.
I want my method to use recursion. For example:
Assume that an array returned is called "codewords" (string* codewords = tree->generateCodewords();)
- ASCII code for 'a' is 97 so, if codewords[97] is equal to "101" it means that the codeword for character 'a' is "101" (3bits).
I will post my functions and class definitions in a comment below. If someone could help me out That would be fantastic.
HuffmanTree::HuffmanTree(unsignedint* frequencies) {
root = NULL;
SortedArrayList<BTNode<InfoNode> > list;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (frequencies[i] != 0) {
InfoNode* newInfoNode = new InfoNode(i, frequencies[i]);
BTNode<InfoNode>* newNode = new BTNode<InfoNode>(newInfoNode);
BTNode<InfoNode>* p,* q;
int size = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
p = list.get(1);
q = list.get(2);
InfoNode* newInfoNode = new InfoNode(p->getElement()->getFrequency() + q->getElement()->getFrequency());
BTNode<InfoNode>* newNode = new BTNode<InfoNode>(newInfoNode);
root = list.get(1);
class Definition:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
class HuffmanTree {
BTNode<InfoNode>* root;
void destroy(BTNode<InfoNode>* node);
* Builds Huffman Tree on the basis of the number of occurrences of characters.
HuffmanTree(unsignedint* frequencies);
BTNode<InfoNode>* getRoot();
void setRoot(BTNode<InfoNode>* root);
string* generateCodewords();
Any other information you may need I will post. Thanks!