do {
comp = 0;//Using integers for the bubble sorting
if(ListDS)//Checking the existence of the head pointer
prev = ListDS;
if(prev->next)//Checking the existence of a second element on the list
nd = prev->next;
if(prev->surname > nd->surname)//comparison of the first two elements
temp = prev->next;
prev->next = nd->next;
nd->next = ListDS;
ListDS = temp;
elseif(prev->name > nd->name)
temp = prev->next;
prev->next = nd->next;
nd->next = ListDS;
ListDS = temp;
else {}
while(nd->next)//Checking for any next element
prev2 = prev;//setting pointers
prev = nd;
nd = nd->next;
if(prev->surname > nd->surname)//comparison of n-th and (n+1)-th elements
temp = prev->next;
prev->next = nd->next;
nd->next = prev2->next;
prev2->next = temp;
elseif(prev->name > nd->name)
temp = prev->next;
prev->next = nd->next;
nd->next = prev2->next;
prev2->next = temp;
else {}
} while (comp); //Checking if comparisons have been executed
I expect any number of elements on the list, thus the checks on the head, as well as the first two elements of the list.
The thing is that the code is running without any errors popping up, although the comparison of the strings just doesn't happen at all. What can I do?