mathematical refrencess in visaul form application

Hey guys, so today i came across this little problem. How do i use square roots, sin, cos, tg and so on, in C++ visual form application... I cant find it anywhere in the internet and its driving me crazy.

Im not sure if this is the place to ask this, but still. :)

closed account (48T7M4Gy) etc will give you the functionality

If you are incorporating this in windows forms, text boxes etc there's a Windows Programming section on these forums.
@kemort Oh, okay ill have in mind to not make threads here if im using forms. But ive tried using that and it didnt work. Any ideas?

closed account (48T7M4Gy)
ill have in mind to not make threads here if im using forms

Feel free to ask here if you like but the 'specialists' there might be more useful - but there again who knows.

What did you try to do? Basically you process the maths using the library functions from <cmath> and 'spit' the answer into a form object. What part isn't working? :)
@kemort Oh, i have actually used int's instead of double's. Now its working.

closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Now its working.

The ol' ints vs doubles trick!
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