list intersection ..!
Oct 9, 2015 at 8:47pm UTC
Hello, i Got stuck in this
I have 2 lists
For ex: list1 => abc,def,ghi,klm,zzz.
list2 => fff,zzz.
i want to maintain the both lists into single list1.
list1 => abc,def,ghi,klm,fff.
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for ( itr1=list1.begin();itr1 != list1.end();itr1++)
itr2 = std::find(list2.begin(),list2.end(),itr1->c_str()); // whats wrong with this statement in value place.
if (itr2 != list1.end())
is this method is suitable for huge list size ?
suggest me thanks inadvance.
Last edited on Oct 9, 2015 at 9:09pm UTC
Oct 9, 2015 at 10:16pm UTC
Messed up completely, it goes endless loop..
This is the one below
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for ( itr1=list2.begin();itr1 != list2.end();++itr1)
if (!(std::find(list1.begin(),list1.end(),*itr1)!=list1.end()))
getting intersection list in list1 display.. but i want to know one thing is this right way of doing things for huge list intersection..
Oct 9, 2015 at 10:28pm UTC
> is this right way of doing things for huge list
calculate the order of the algorithm.
If you can assure that the lists are sorted, then there is a O(n) solution.
Oct 10, 2015 at 3:57am UTC
what is that ..
not a problem in sorting the lists ..tell me the best way to do this.
Oct 10, 2015 at 10:47pm UTC
This is what you're doing
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traverse(at, a)
if ( is_member(at, b) )
Now, your `is_member()' function is traversing all the list to find the element.
Your algorithm ends being O(n*m)
If the lists were sorted then you may stop as soon as you find a bigger element.
Also, there is no need to start at the beginning of the list because you know that till some point all those element are lesser than the one you're searching
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bt = b.begin();
traverse( at, A )
bt = lower_bound( bt, b.end(), *at );
if ( bt == b.end() ) break ;
if ( *bt == *at )
this way you only traverse each list one single time, so O(n+m)
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