I have an web application written in C++ deployed on Microsoft IIS 6.0. As part of request processing, it connects to oracle database. However recently every 7-8 days, the below error appears in our logs and the web service stops
processing further requests until I perform Microsoft IIS restart.

Can someone please help me resolve the issue?

10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> *** Connection is null***
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> *** Win32ErrorEx ERROR CONDITION! ***
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> at line 809
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> in file
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> D:\xx\CPPDao.cpp
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> Win32 Structured Exception thrown:
10/07/2015 | 19:47:24 | E | 28612 |---> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
perhaps if you showed us the code we could help a bit.

General thought is a dodgy pointer, but no one can help without the code.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
It's that @#$*&! line 809 again !!!!
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