Other Languages?

Pages: 12
The D language was popular during the supposed period of time while C++ wasn't so popular (I'm not sure when this was to be honest).
C++ wasn't really popular until the 90s.
D, however, was never popular. I'd say it's as popular now as C++ was before it became popular, but I don't know if that's true.

Assembly is considered the king of languages.
You're thinking of C. C has the official title of King of All Languages and Indisputable Ruler of the Universe (boldness and underlining not optional).

Grey Wolf: I suppose it would have been better to call the platform "Mocha".
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Then is Assembly the god of languages? That was on the first tutorial I ever read. Makes perfect sense since it is one of the first languages, as low level as possible, and is in direct relation to binary.
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Assembly is not even A language...
Anyway, if it was the king of languages, most of the programs would be written in assembly.
But as assembly looks like gibberish, not much is written directly in it
Assembly is a language, but it's not really very expressive. It's useful, and that's it. It's not even as useful as C.

It's often said that God wrote the universe in Lisp.
That link firedraco posted ( http://nuwen.net/gcc.html#whynotjava )... I've seen that before.
Just to point out another thing, which completely discredits the guy who wrote that article instantly in my eyes:
I will assume that your computer runs Windows XP.

(I hate you)
Followed up with a nice
A compiler is a [...] magical program
An editor is also a program, but a far less magical one.

That's ridiculous. gcc isn't magical, and to be fair; emacs is at least as complex as gcc, what with it's extreme extensibility.

Also, assembly isn't really a 'king' of languages. If we liken machine language to nonsense and high-level languages to sense, then assembly wouldn't really be

I think the emphasis was on the A. It's not a language, really, is it? There's MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, x86... there's an assembly language for every microprocessor architecture (or you couldn't run programs on them). Even x86 isn't one language. You've got the two main syntaxes; AT&T and Intel. Then you've got all the "directives" that programs like NASM and gas add in (.include, .section, .type, etc.)... in fact, aside from the instruction set; the Intel and AT&T syntaxes are virtually nothing alike.
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Most text editors don't come with a Lisp interpreter, and if you ask me, that's the way it should be.
I agree, I was just saying, a compiler is hardly magical.
hey. Would it be a good idea to learn C. Now that Ive got a decent grasp on c++.

At my college I have taken the first to programming classes
Principles one and 2 // the language was c++ Got an A in both of them

Next semester im taking
Programming Languages//I think it kinda addresses the question of this thread
Computer Organization//looks pretty tough, binary, sequential circuits, flip flops, gates etc
A math structures class for cs// its like a logic and set theory class geared towards cs majors
Linear Algebra
System Administration class

Future classes
Data Structures
Database systems
Operating Systmes
Compiler Writing
Applied Theory
Software Design
And a senior project where you make a software for a local business or something

My question is. Should I even worry about learning something new at this point. I would like to learn more about c++. Its kinda depressing we only have two classes on it. IM sure some of the other classes I have to take will use c++ like my data structures class.

The other day I looked at some java for about ten minutes and pretty much stopped going down that path. It just didnt seem that appealing. Id rather learn MAtlab. I would like to learn more about GUI stuff so i downloaded qt. But I dont quite understand slots and stuff. Ive thought about c# but havnt really looked into it.

So what do you guys think would be a good step for me

Thanks for the help.
Glad to see a lot of debate on the subject. It lets me see the opinions of many programmers.
@btripp I actually had to take C before C++. It was a prerequisite and my teacher went back and forth between the relations of c and C++
There's not really much point learning C if you like C++. I learnt C because I don't like C++ (OOP bores me, STL irritates me... there are just things I would rather do the C way) that much.

if you Google search "[u]King of All Languages and Indisputable Ruler of the Universe[/u]" the first result is this page.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
helios wrote:
It's often said that God wrote the universe in Lisp.

Wouldn't that then be The Univerth?
Sorry couldn't resist.

My question is. Should I even worry about learning something new at this point. I would like to learn more about c++.

If you want to learn more C++, then that would be the best thing.
Univerth... hilarious. I bet God (or whatever theological being you follow, to maintain political correctness) wrote the universe in assembly. How else could he have implemented RL with such low-level processing functionality?
And as for C++ vs C, C++ has pretty much all the advantages. All the functionality, coupled with some key functions (classes, overloads - you can't overload functions in C!) and the standard library.
(For the non-nerds in the room RL stands for real life.)
helios wrote:
It's often said that God wrote the universe in Lisp.

Wouldn't that then be The Univerth?

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