Asked but no progress...

Hi guys, So I previously asked this question and the suggestions have not been so clear and I'm too dumb to get that... As my due date is approaching I would really appreciate someone take a look at this old thread and then give me some examples..Thank you!
I really want someone who can give me a at least more elaborate guide on this problem..Once I'm thru this stage I will be very grateful!

EDIT: I'm currently stuck at how to read in the <> and [] stuff and then maybe separate the marks so that I can get the number and words in them in the later stage. I hope someone might address this. And I did make some attempts on this...Thank you!
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closed account (48T7M4Gy)
I suggest you write pseudocode or similar schematic so that you can clearly communicate what the problem is you are trying to solve:

1. Read the various items in as strings
2. Read the first and last characters
3. Choose the appropriate action according to those characters/ substrings

Once you have broken the problem down this way proceed to implement each unit in code. Use comments to head each section exactly as your itemised method plan.

Show us your method and corresponding code with a clear description of what you expected and what you got.

With that way of going about it you might have a dog's hope of meeting your deadline instead of just rummaging through the jungle. :)
You should first study the following functions of std::string and then should try to implement them in your program.

1. find_first_of
2. find_last_of
3. find_first_not_of
4. find_last_not_of
5. substr
6. find

Try to study all the functions of std::string. It will take only 1 or 2 hours but they will help you. It's an easy program. Try to do it in object oriented way. It will be even easier then.
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