how to pass data betwwen two programs


i want to know how two different programs can communicate message between each other?

assume i've a.cpp, it is having 2 STL Maps,

from b.cpp i want to get the values in that STL Maps.

How it is possible. a.cpp and b.cpp are two different instance running in the same machine.

Kindly help me in this..

Thanks in advance..
Depends on which OS u r using? In Linux the simplest way is to use named pipes.
i'm using Linux only.. when i go through the google, there are two ways one is named pipes and second one is message queues.Can any one explain or give some usefull example to gothrough. i want to share more than 5MB of data.
you can look and shared memory idea from IPC ... google "shared memory example". It is not difficult
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