Hi guys,
Please help me to make this program :(
*Sorry if i posted in wrong section*
>A Manufacturer needs a program to display a table of cost of manufacturing certain numbers of her product. She wants to input the cost of the producing one unit, the smallest number of the product produced and the largest number of products produced, each in hundreds. For example, she might input 3.46 for the unit cost, and 300 and 700 as the range of numbers. The resulting should look like the following:
Number produced Cost
300 1038.00
400 1384.00
500 1730.00
600 2076.00
700 2422.00
> Use a function Heading() to display the table heading lines. Heading() should have no arguments and return no value. Use another function Table() to produce the table. Table() should have three arguments: The unit cost, the smallest number produced and the largest number produced Table() should no return value