Program error?
Jul 29, 2015 at 2:49am Jul 29, 2015 at 2:49am UTC
This code
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using namespace std;
//Car class
class Car
private :
string reportingMark;
int carNumber;
string kind;
bool loaded;
string destination;
public :
//Default constructor
//Parameterized constructor
Car(string _reportingMark,int _carNumber,string _kind,bool _loaded,string _destination)
reportingMark = _reportingMark;
carNumber = _carNumber;
kind = _kind;
loaded = _loaded;
destination = _destination;
//Copy constructor
Car( const Car &other)
reportingMark = other.reportingMark;
carNumber = other.carNumber;
kind = other.kind;
loaded = other.loaded;
destination = other.destination;
Car operator =(Car other)
reportingMark = other.reportingMark;
carNumber = other.carNumber;
kind = other.kind;
loaded = other.loaded;
destination = other.destination;
return *this ;
friend bool operator ==(Car c1,Car c2);
void setUp()
cout<<"Implementing Progress\n" ;
void output()
cout<<"Reporting Mark: " << reportingMark<<endl;
cout<<"Card Number: " << carNumber<<endl;
cout<<"Kind: " << kind<<endl;
cout<<"Loaded: " << loaded<<endl;
cout<<"Destination: " << destination<<endl;
//Friend function
bool operator ==(Car c1,Car c2)
if (c1.reportingMark==c2.reportingMark
&& c1.carNumber == c2.carNumber
&& c1.kind == c2.kind
&& c1.loaded == c2.loaded
&& c1.destination == c2.destination)
return true ;
return false ;
/* ********** StringOfCars member functions ********** */
class StringOfCar
private :
Car *cars; //pointer of cars
int carCount; //defined additional data member carCount
public :
//Default constructor
cars=NULL; //set initially NULL and 0
//Parameterized constructor
StringOfCar(Car *_cars)
cars = _cars;
//Copy construtor
StringOfCar( const StringOfCar &obj)
cars =;
//deleting each car allocated
for (int i=0;i<carCount;i++)
delete cars;
int getCount() //UFD here defined here
{return carCount;}
void output()
for (int i=0; i<carCount; i++)
void push(Car car)
Car pop()
Car lastObj = cars[--carCount]; //getting top of stack of cars
return lastObj;
void input()
cout<<"In progress!\n" ;
int main()
/* ********Create a Car object named car1 with the following constants as initial values:****/
Car car1("SP" ,34567 ,"business" ,true ,"Salt Lake City " );
cout<<"---------- TEST1 car1 object content--------------\n" ;
/* ******** Create a Car object named car2 using the default constructor. */
Car car2;
//Use the = operator to copy the data from car1 to car 2.
car2 = car1;
cout<<"\n----------car2 object content--------------\n" ;
//Print car2
//Create a default StringOfCars object named string1.
StringOfCar string1;
//Print: STRING 1
cout<<"\n---------- TEST2 string1 object content--------------\n" ;
//Create a car named car3.
Car car3;
car3 = string1.pop();
//Print car3.
cout<<"\n----------TEST3 car3 object content--------------\n" ;
//Then print the contents of string1 again
cout<<"\n----------string1 object content--------------\n" ;
return 0;
When I try to run it in codeblocks it pauses as if the application had an error, I think it has something to do with push but I'm not exactly sure. Any ideas?
Jul 29, 2015 at 9:19am Jul 29, 2015 at 9:19am UTC
Your program crashes on line 175 -> 141 -> cars
is NULL. Nonetheless you are trying to assign a car. You need to do more in the push(...) function. Better use a std::vector.
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