I'm working on some WinSock code and I'm having some trouble with some of the syntax. First off we have the WSADATA structure:
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typedefstruct WSAData {
WORD wVersion;
WORD wHighVersion;
char szDescription[WSADESCRIPTION_LEN+1];
char szSystemStatus[WSASYS_STATUS_LEN+1];
unsignedshort iMaxSockets;
unsignedshort iMaxUdpDg;
char FAR *lpVendorInfo;
I think I get this part. This basically says that WSADATA is an object of type struct WSAData and *LPWSADATA is a pointer to an object of type struct WSAData.
Then we have the WSAStartup declaration:
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int WSAStartup(
_In_ WORD wVersionRequested,
The second parameter is a pointer to an object of type struct WSAData.
This is where I'm getting confused. When I look at the WSAStartup call in the WinSock code:
The second parameter is a reference which in the definition is a pointer to the object.
It's not a reference. '&' in this context is the "address of" operator, and not the reference operator.
&wsaData is giving you the address of (aka the "pointer to") the 'wsaData' object.
'&' is the reference operator when bundled with a typename:
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int& foo = whatever; // <- foo is a reference, because the '&' is bundled with the typename 'int'
// but when you don't use a typename and are just using an object name, it's address of:
int* ptr = &whatever; // <- here, the & is address of because it is bundled with an object,
// and not a type name