Plz help Urgent- Tomb of Queen Nefertiti

Question 5 – Tomb of Queen Nefertiti
Egyptian Pyramids were constructed around 2500 – 3000 BC, by using large Cubic blocks placed in a perfect mathematical way. Researchers are still struggling
to find out how these pyramids were constructed without modern day technologies. We are currently having a task to find out how many blocks needed to
construct a pyramid of certain dimensions. Although there are lot of calculations involved let take some basic assumptions and start working.
1. Each block is 5*5*5 ft. in dimensions.
2. The base of Pyramid is Square with length of each side in feet as X (user defined).
3. Find the actual dimensions of Pyramid i.e Length, Width and height.
4. Find number of blocks required to construct that pyramid.
Keep in mind the shape of pyramid while programming. Also keep in mind that the actual base dimensions i.e Length and Width will have max difference
as defined 5 > diff >= 0 from the user defined Length and Width.
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