Help with Program

I have a program for my C++ class and I have no idea what to do or get started cause we did not learn it in class. This is the program:

For this assignment, you will write a program that reads characters from a file that you have opened for input. It will count several categories of characters (vowels, digits, etc. etc.) and present summary totals after it has read the input file.


You can create and use your own small text file for testing. The file that we will use for grading purposes is named hopper.txt When you submit your program, make sure that is the name of the file that your program opens.

Processing Requirements

For this assignment, you will need to explicitly open a file for input. Declare an ifstream variable as described in class, and open it using the filename "hopper.txt". If the file fails to open, print an error message and exit the program.

As discussed in class, you can use the following skeleton code to read and process every character in a file:

while (inFile)
cout << ch; // This will display the char on screen

// Process the char by incrementing one or more counts

// Read the next char
For each character read, your program will increment one or more of five counters using function calls to determine whether to increment each one or not:

always increment one counter for each and every character
increment a "vowel counter" if it is a vowel (include 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'; upper or lower case. See isVowel() below)
increment a "consonant counter" if it is a consonant (any letter that is not a vowel. See isConsonant() below)
increment a "letter counter" if it's a letter (use the library function isalpha())
increment a "digit counter" if it's a digit (use the library function isdigit())
After doing these checks, perform four other checks in a switch statement:

if the character is a '(' increment a left parenthesis counter
if the character is a ')' increment a right parenthesis counter
if the character is a single quote, increment a single quote counter
if the character is a double quote, increment a double quote counter
In addition, as shown above, as the program reads each character, it will write it to the screen using cout This way you will see what is in the file.


Both of these functions simply test a character to see if it is or is not of a certain type.

bool isVowel(char ch) - this function tests its argument to see if it is a vowel. 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u' (and their uppercase versions) are considered vowels for the purposes of this program. You can simplify the test by using the library character function toupper(). Return true if ch is a vowel and false if not.

bool isConsonant(char ch) - this function tests its argument to see if it is a consonant. A consonant is any letter that is not a vowel. You can use isVowel() and the library function isalpha() to simplify this. Return true or false accordingly.


After you have processed all of the input and accumulated all of the counts, you should close the input file and then display a nicely formatted and labeled summary of the counts with some possible "warning" messages:

total character count
vowel count
consonant count
letter count
a warning message if the vowel count plus the consonant count is not equal to the letter count
digit count
left parenthesis count
right parenthesis count
a warning message if the left and right parenthesis counts do not match
the single quote count
the double quote count
a warning message if the double quote count is not an even number
an "other count" equal to the difference between the total character count and the sum of the letter, digit, left-paren, right-paren, single-quote, and double-quote counts.

This is the hopper.txt:

The output is the same as the hopper except this is at the end of it:


Total characters: 8282
Vowels: 2418
Consonants: 3970
Letters: 6388
Digits: 174
Left parentheses: 17
Right parentheses: 17
Single quotes: 17
Double quotes: 14
Other: 1655

Any and all help would be amazing! Thank you in advance.
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This is the hopper.txt

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906 - January 1, 1992)
was an American computer scientist and United States Navy officer. A
pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the
Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer
programming language. She conceptualized the idea of machine-independent
programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the
first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing
the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches (motivated by an
actual moth removed from the computer, and not by her). Due to the
breadth of her accomplishments and her naval rank, she is sometimes
referred to as "Amazing Grace." The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hopper
(DDG-70) is named for her, as was the Cray XE6 "Hopper" supercomputer at

Hopper was born Grace Brewster Murray in New York City. She was the
oldest in a family of three children. She was curious as a child, a
lifelong trait. At the age of seven she decided to determine how an
alarm clock worked. She dismantled seven alarm clocks before her mother
realized what she was doing; she was then limited to one clock. For her
preparatory school education, she attended the Hartridge School in
Plainfield, New Jersey. Rejected for early admission to Vassar College
at age 16 (her test scores in Latin were too low), she was admitted the
following year. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar in 1928 with a
bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics and earned her Master's
degree at Yale University in 1930.

In 1934, she earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale under the direction
of Oystein Ore. Her dissertation, "New Types of Irreducibility
Criteria", was published that same year. Hopper began teaching
mathematics at Vassar in 1931, and was promoted to associate professor
in 1941.

She was married to New York University professor Vincent Foster Hopper
(1906 - 1976) from 1930 until their divorce in 1945. She never remarried,
and she kept his surname.

In 1943, Hopper obtained a leave of absence from Vassar and was sworn in
to the United States Navy Reserve, one of many women to volunteer to
serve in the WAVES. She had to get an exemption to enlist; she was 15
pounds (6.8 kg) below the Navy minimum weight of 120 pounds (54 kg). She
reported in December and trained at the Naval Reserve Midshipmen's
School at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. Hopper graduated
first in her class in 1944, and was assigned to the Bureau of Ships
Computation Project at Harvard University as a lieutenant, junior grade.
She served on the Mark I computer programming staff headed by Howard H.
Aiken. Hopper and Aiken coauthored three papers on the Mark I, also
known as the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator. Hopper's request
to transfer to the regular Navy at the end of the war was declined due
to her age (38). She continued to serve in the Navy Reserve. Hopper
remained at the Harvard Computation Lab until 1949, turning down a full
professorship at Vassar in favor of working as a research fellow under a
Navy contract at Harvard.

In 1949, Hopper became an employee of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer
Corporation as a senior mathematician and joined the team developing the
UNIVAC I. In the early 1950s the company was taken over by the Remington
Rand corporation and it was while she was working for them that her
original compiler work was done. The compiler was known as the A
compiler and its first version was A-0.

In 1952 she had an operational compiler. "Nobody believed that," she
said. "I had a running compiler and nobody would touch it. They told me
computers could only do arithmetic."

In 1954 Hopper was named the company's first director of automatic
programming, and her department released some of the first
compiler-based programming languages, including ARITH-MATIC, MATH-MATIC

In the spring of 1959 a two day conference known as the CODASYL brought
together computer experts from industry and government. Hopper served as
the technical consultant to the committee, and many of her former
employees served on the short-term committee that defined the new
language COBOL. The new language extended Hopper's FLOW-MATIC language
with some ideas from the IBM equivalent, COMTRAN. Hopper's belief that
programs should be written in a language that was close to English
rather than in machine code or languages close to machine code (such as
assembly language) was captured in the new business language, and COBOL
would go on to be the most ubiquitous business language to date.

From 1967 to 1977, Hopper served as the director of the Navy Programming
Languages Group in the Navy's Office of Information Systems Planning and
was promoted to the rank of captain in 1973. She developed validation
software for COBOL and its compiler as part of a COBOL standardization
program for the entire Navy.

In the 1970s, Hopper advocated for the Defense Department to replace
large, centralized systems with networks of small, distributed
computers. Any user on any computer node could access common databases
located on the network. She pioneered the implementation of standards
for testing computer systems and components, most significantly for
early programming languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL. The Navy tests
for conformance to these standards led to significant convergence among
the programming language dialects of the major computer vendors. In the
1980s, these tests (and their official administration) were assumed by
the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), known today as the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Hopper retired from the Naval Reserve with the rank of commander at the
end of 1966. She was recalled to active duty in August 1967 for a
six-month period that turned into an indefinite assignment. She again
retired in 1971, but was asked to return to active duty again in 1972.
She was promoted to captain in 1973 by Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr.

After Rep. Philip Crane saw her on a March 1983 segment of 60 Minutes,
he championed H.J.Res. 341, a joint resolution in the House of
Representatives which led to her promotion to commodore by special
Presidential appointment. In 1985, the rank of commodore was renamed
rear admiral, lower half. She retired (involuntarily) from the Navy on
August 14, 1986. At a celebration held in Boston on the USS Constitution
to celebrate her retirement, Hopper was awarded the Defense
Distinguished Service Medal, the highest non-combat award possible by
the Department of Defense. At the time of her retirement, she was the
oldest commissioned officer in the United States Navy (79 years, eight
months and five days), and aboard the oldest commissioned ship in the
United States Navy (188 years, nine months and 23 days).

She was then hired as a senior consultant to Digital Equipment
Corporation, a position she retained until her death in 1992, aged 85.
This is the rest of it:

Her primary activity in this capacity was as a goodwill ambassador,
lecturing widely on the early days of computers, her career, and on
efforts that computer vendors could take to make life easier for their
users. She visited a large fraction of Digital's engineering facilities,
where she generally received a standing ovation at the conclusion of her
remarks. She was an interesting and engaging speaker, and the most
memorable part of these talks was her illustration of a nanosecond. She
salvaged an obsolete Bell System 25 pair telephone cable, cut it to 11.8
inch (30 cm) lengths (which is the distance that light travels in one
nanosecond) and handed out the individual wires to her listeners.
Although no longer a serving officer, she always wore her Navy full
dress uniform to these lectures.

"The most important thing I've accomplished, other than building the
compiler, is training young people. They come to me, you know, and say,
'Do you think we can do this?' I say, 'Try it.' And I back 'em up. They
need that. I keep track of them as they get older and I stir 'em up at
intervals so they don't forget to take chances."

She was laid to rest with full military honors in Arlington National
For this assignment, you will write a program that reads characters from a file that you have opened for input.

According to what you've posted, you have covered this in class. The question even includes some example code for you to use.

It will count several categories of characters (vowels, digits, etc. etc.) and present summary totals after it has read the input file.

There's nothing special you need to know for this - just using basic comparisons and if statements to identify the category in which each character belongs, and count the instances of each category.
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Simply construct a loop that looks at each character.

Then for each character, have an if statement checking if its a number,letter,vowel, etc.

Since there are 52 letters (caps and lowercase), its easier to convert the char into an ascii value and see if the value falls within the range letters in the ascii sequence (65 to 90 and 97 to 122) rather than checking if its any of the 52 possibilities.
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