I've made a project with codeblocks using MinGW 5.1.0 and everything compiles fine and without errors or warnings and it runs fine when I run it from within codeblocks, but when I run it from outside codeblocks, this error comes up: "The procedure entry point _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEE4dataEV could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\Dominic\Documents\equationCompiler\bin\Release\equationCompiler.exe".
I'm using no libraries except the standard libraries (<string>, <vector> etc) and I've only built it in release mode and I'm pretty sure I'm using codeblocks 13.12. What can I do to solve this?
I've just checked project type and it is set to console application (which is what I'm making). I'm pretty sure this has only started happening since I installed MinGW 5.1.0, but I installed it with the MinGW installer and ,I don't know it's causation rather than correlation I'll get rid of all the other versions and re-insall it and codeblocks and see what happens then.
I'm re-installing it with these settings:
version 5.1.0
architecture i686
threads posix
exception dwarf
build revision 0
I'm really not sure if these are the right settings, but they are the defaults.
It appears to be working now, but I don't know why. Might be because I had more than one version of MinGW and codeblocks was using exes from different ones but I doubt it would do that.