convert bin to dec stuck in infinite loop

So we have to convert dec into bin oct and hex. The bin has to use a while loop and right now mine is in an infinite loop. I thought that doing 'bin++' adds 1 to the variable so this does not happen?
Also to convert decimal to binary, don't you find the modulus of the number then divide it by 2??? - It doesn't seem to be working.
I'm so confused, i'm not even a computer science major, i'm graphic design and I wanted to learn a bit of programming (like c++) so I know what developers are doing to make the apps I design (front-end) work.
Can someone explain in lay-man's terms whats going on? I think I get the whole concept of the loops and everything it's just implementing them is difficult. My book is just saying the same thing over and over; 'while (expression) statement;'

* Also, sorry if the code isn't formatted, I didn't know if copy/paste is all I need to do*

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int low;
int high;

int a;
int bin2;

cout << "Enter the low number: ";
cin >> low;
cout << "Enter the high number: ";
cin >> high;

cout << "Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal" << endl;
for (a = low; a <= high; a++)
cout << a << "\t" << endl;

int bin = low;
while (bin <= high)
bin = low % 2;
low /= 2;
bin2 = low;
cout << bin2 << "\t" << endl;
return 0;

Thanks in advanced!
in the while statement, you have bin <= high. that means the following block of code will repeat executing whenever bin <= high.

look into the block, you're changing bin every time, and it's not likely to be reducing.

The other problem is the nasty bit that you're extracting the least significant binary digit first, but you want to print that one last. You can handle this easily with a simple C char array and fill it in backwards:

string toBinary(unsigned int num)
    char buf[30];
    buf[29] = 0;
    char *cp = buf+29;

    if (num == 0) return "0";   // special case for zero.

    while (num) {
        int digit = num%2;  // get the least significant digit
        *cp = '0' + digit;      // digit 0 -> character '0'. Digit 1 -> character '1'
        num /= 2;
    return cp;

Line 15 converts the C string to a std::string and returns it.
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