Exporting d'base table to .csv

I understand the rules for exporting a d'base table to .csv and there are plenty of links explaining the rules of csv files, including the handling of comma's/quotes etc.

There are probably a myriad of other issues I'll come across in the future that I don't know about. Some of the data I'm exporting contains sql strings with broken up quotes and comma's in between.

I thought it would be a good idea to ask if there exists an open source C++ library specifically for handling this kind of thing. I'll eventually have a foolproof solution of my own built but I can't help thinking that I'm reinventing the wheel.

Would anyone know of one?
You could always play with Partow's library

But if all you are doing is writing a CSV, you only need to know a little about who will be using your file and follow this document religiously:

To handle the SQL strings, you only need a function that takes any string and properly quotes it for use in the CSV file. (And that's really about the hardest part.)

And yes, this wheel is regularly reinvented.

Hope this helps.
Thanks. I started building this library earlier on. Maybe that's the best solution.
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