Error in Calling a function which has an array as vecDoub

Hi !

I have a code for 2-D KS Test from the Numerical Recipes, as it has many routines that which has been used as header files. All I need to do is call the appropriate function which to use it in the program. Here is the function that I need to call.

void (vecDoub_I &x1, vecDoub_I &y1, vecDoub_I &x2, vecDoub_I &y2, Doub &d, Doub &prob )

But I am not able to call it in the program. It shows the following error:

1. Invalid initialization of reference of type 'VecDoub_I & {aka const NRvector<double>& }' from expression of type 'double'

2. Error in passing argument of 'void( ... )'

Please help me out here. I am not able to get what where the problem is.

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Without seeing your code, it's impossible to know for sure.

It sounds like you're trying to use a double where the compiler is expecting a VecDoub.
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