Need help on Cyanogenmod 12.1


This ROM is for Lenovo K3 (K30-T), yet it has few bugs: camera, FM radio, and SIM card are not working. I am not the official porter of this ROM. However, I want to fix those bugs.

Here is the download link for this ROM.

Can someone please check the reason behind these bugs?

Thank you!
If you want to fix them, then why not you check the reason behind the bugs?

Otherwise, you are just saying "Hey, I am tired of these bugs and I want someone to fix them." If that is what you are really getting at, then why not contact the actual official porters?
That's what I said. I need help on that. I don't know how to fix it.
If you can help me with something, I will try to fix it by myself.
I am not asking anything to everything for me. I just need some help.
Also, I have talked to the actual porter, and he is trying to fix them too.
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Anyone please?
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