1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
#include "SM_callModel.h"
using namespace std;
namespace sc = boost::statechart;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
// States definition
struct USR_checkSubscription;
struct USR_checkBalance;
struct MNU_welcomeSubscribed;
struct MNU_mainMenu;
struct MNU_selectLeague;
struct MNU_menu1Content;
struct USR_selectSubscription;
struct USR_waitingForNumber;
struct USR_wrongNumber;
struct USR_confirmSubscription;
struct USR_chargeUser;
struct USR_inssuficientBalance;
struct USR_selectTopUp;
struct USR_endCall;
// Events definition
struct EvSubscribed : sc::event< EvSubscribed> {};
struct EvNotSubscribed : sc::event< EvNotSubscribed > {};
struct EvPressNumberNotSubscribed : sc::event< EvPressNumberNotSubscribed > {};
struct EvBalance : sc::event< EvBalance > {};
struct EvNoBalance : sc::event< EvNoBalance > {};
struct EvPressNumber : sc::event< EvPressNumber > {};
struct EvGoToConfirmSubscription : sc::event< EvGoToConfirmSubscription > {};
struct EvGoToChargeUser : sc::event< EvGoToChargeUser > {};
struct EvNotCharged : sc::event< EvNotCharged > {};
struct EvGoToMainMenu : sc::event< EvGoToMainMenu > {};
struct EvMenu1 : sc::event< EvMenu1 > {};
struct EvGoToMenu1Content : sc::event< EvGoToMenu1Content > {};
struct EvWrongNumber : sc::event< EvWrongNumber > {};
struct EvNoTime : sc::event< EvNoTime > {};
struct EvReturn : sc::event< EvReturn > {};
struct EvEndCall : sc::event< EvEndCall > {};
struct VoiceSM : sc::state_machine< VoiceSM, USR_checkSubscription > {};// The initialization state
VoiceSM VSM;
/* Check user subscription status */
struct USR_checkSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_checkSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_checkSubscription() {
// Check if user is subscribed via WebService (lets say it returns as subscribed = 1)
int subscribed = 1;
cout << "User is subscribed 1/0 n" << endl;
~USR_checkSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvSubscribed, USR_checkBalance >, // if is subscribed then go to USR_checkBalance
sc::transition< EvNotSubscribed, USR_selectSubscription > > reactions; // if is not subscribed go to USR_selectSubscription
/* Check user current balance */
struct USR_checkBalance : sc::simple_state< USR_checkBalance, VoiceSM>
USR_checkBalance() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User has balance Y/N? n" << endl;
~USR_checkBalance() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvBalance, MNU_welcomeSubscribed >,
sc::transition< EvNoBalance, USR_selectTopUp > > reactions;
/* User press 1 to get 15 minutes to his account */
struct USR_selectTopUp : sc::simple_state< USR_selectTopUp, VoiceSM>
USR_selectTopUp() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User selected 15 minutes n" << endl;
~USR_selectTopUp() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToChargeUser, USR_chargeUser >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Play welcome audio for subscribed users */
struct MNU_welcomeSubscribed : sc::simple_state< MNU_welcomeSubscribed, VoiceSM>
MNU_welcomeSubscribed() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "Welcome user xxxxxx n" << endl;
~MNU_welcomeSubscribed() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Play audio when user didn't digit anything */
struct USR_waitingForNumber : sc::simple_state< USR_waitingForNumber, VoiceSM>
USR_waitingForNumber() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User didn't press any digit, its being redirected n" << endl;
~USR_waitingForNumber() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Play audio when user inputs a wrong number */
struct USR_wrongNumber : sc::simple_state< USR_wrongNumber, VoiceSM>
USR_wrongNumber() {
// Counter ++
// Get previous activity and then go back???
cout << "User pressed the wrong number, try again n" << endl;
~USR_wrongNumber() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Check user current balance */
struct USR_selectSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_selectSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_selectSubscription() {
// Select 1 or 2 for type of subscription
cout << "User selected 1 or 2 n" << endl;
~USR_selectSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToConfirmSubscription, USR_confirmSubscription >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Confirm user subscription */
struct USR_confirmSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_confirmSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_confirmSubscription() {
// Select 1 or 2 for type of subscription
cout << "Press 1 or 2 to select n" << endl;
~USR_confirmSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToChargeUser, USR_chargeUser >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Charge the user */
struct USR_chargeUser : sc::simple_state< USR_chargeUser, VoiceSM>
USR_chargeUser() {
// Connect to web service to charge user depending on type of subscription
cout << "Press 1 or 2 to select n" << endl;
~USR_chargeUser() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu >,
sc::transition< EvNotCharged, USR_inssuficientBalance >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* User has no balance, end the call */
struct USR_inssuficientBalance : sc::simple_state< USR_inssuficientBalance, VoiceSM>
USR_inssuficientBalance() {
// Play audio of inssuficient balance and end call
cout << "User doesn't have enough balance, end call. n" << endl;
~USR_inssuficientBalance() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvEndCall, USR_endCall > reactions;
/* Play audio with main menu and wait for user input */
struct MNU_mainMenu : sc::simple_state< MNU_mainMenu, VoiceSM>
MNU_mainMenu() {
cout << "Press 1 - 8 from the menu n" << endl;
~MNU_mainMenu() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvMenu1, MNU_selectLeague >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Select League (Liga Americana/Nacional) wait for 1 or 2 digits */
struct MNU_selectLeague : sc::simple_state< MNU_selectLeague, VoiceSM>
MNU_selectLeague() {
cout << "Select a league n" << endl;
~MNU_selectLeague() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToMenu1Content, MNU_menu1Content >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Menu 1 Content */
struct MNU_menu1Content : sc::simple_state< MNU_menu1Content, VoiceSM>
MNU_menu1Content() {
cout << "Content for menu 1 n" << endl;
~MNU_menu1Content() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMenu1Content, MNU_menu1Content > reactions;
int main()
return 0;