Need a solution for c# code

Hey!! I have some exception in my c# project can anyone please help me ?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;

namespace newClient
class Connection
//Thread _threadObj;
TcpClient _TcpObj;
NetworkStream _NSObj;
StreamReader _SRObj;
StreamWriter _SWObj;
string _MainIp;
int _Socket;
string _UserName;
public string _USERNAME
return _UserName;
_UserName = value;
public int _SOCKET
return _Socket;
_Socket = value;
public string _MAINIP
return _MainIp;
_MainIp = value;
public string LocalIPAddress()
IPHostEntry host;
string localIP = "";
host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress ip in host.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
localIP = ip.ToString();
return localIP;
public void ConnectionEstablish()
_TcpObj = new TcpClient("", 6060);
_NSObj = _TcpObj.GetStream();
_SRObj = new StreamReader(_NSObj);
_SWObj = new StreamWriter(_NSObj);

public void ConnectionRemove()

public bool Login(string UserName, string PassWord)
string _IDLogin = "&*@Loginn@*&" + UserName +"$"+ PassWord;
string _Response = _SRObj.ReadLine();
if (_Response.StartsWith("&@*IP*@&"))
string _subS = _Response.Substring(8);
string[] _IPSUSep = _subS.Split('&');
_IPSUSep = _IPSUSep[0].Split(':');
_MAINIP = _IPSUSep[0];
_SOCKET = int.Parse(_IPSUSep[1]);
return true;
return false;

public bool SignUp(string UserName, string PassWord)
string _IDSignUp = "&*@SignUp@*&" + UserName + "$" + PassWord;
string _Response = _SRObj.ReadLine();
if (_Response.StartsWith("SignUp Successsfully"))
return true;
return false;


here is the code please do it ASAP
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Why can't you just post the problem?
nah, I'll not send my e-mail
just post the problem here if you want help.

Note that this is a C++ forum
@Gamer2015 i have upload my coad check it please
First of all don't do this:
here is the code please do it ASAP

secondly please use code tags ([code ]code[/code ] without the spaces)

and lastly tell us where you think the problem is ...
You use C#, did you try to debug your application?

Is this an assignment?
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This forum is for C++(, not for C#. Go to some C# forum and ask like a normal human.
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@rizaado, you can just ignore it as long as you don't know anything about c#
If nobody knows it then he won't get an answer and he'll know that it is because it is a c++ forum
If someone can help him then it's okey for me.
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