C++ STL: Unhandled exception while using list

Insert the node at specific position using C++ and its STL feature.

using namespace ::std;
struct link
int data; //data item
link* next; // pointer to link
class linklist //list of links
link* head; // pointer to first link
void additem(int d, int n); // add data item


void linklist::additem(int d, int n)
link* temp = new link; // make a new link
temp->data = d; // give it data
temp->next = NULL;
if (n == 1)
temp->next = head; // adding node at 1st position
head = temp;
link* temp1 = new link;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; i++)
temp1 = temp1->next; // traversing to next node
temp->next = temp1->next;
temp1->next = temp;

int main()
linklist l1; // making linked list
list<int> l; // l to be list container
ostream_iterator<int>screen(cout, "");

l.push_back(10); // pushing element in
l.push_back(20); // linked list
copy(l.begin(), l.end(), screen); // printing element in list
cout << endl;
l1.additem(40, 4); // adding element at the
copy(l.begin(), l.end(), screen); // specific position
return 0;

Accepting and printing Linked list, I have done through STL and inserting node at specific position is done through C++ object oriented approach. No error in the program but output is only 10,20,30,50,60. And message is like " Unhandled exception at 0*00CA..... . Access violating reading at location 0*CD..... How to solve this problem ?
You need to step through your addItem function. Seeing as it's successfully printing out the elements in the list i would say your issue is in there.
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