
May 2, 2015 at 6:05pm
Hi guys, i have a project about a video club(add-remove-modify movies-series-games-clients,charge a client when he return a disc etc). Have anyone done something like that ??
May 2, 2015 at 9:15pm
Short answer is 'yes'.

Long answer is that without more detail, and an attempt to make a start on it, you're not likely to get much of a response. If you have something in particular you'd like help with, post the code, and I'm sure the response will be better, and you'll be able to get some assistance.
May 3, 2015 at 10:25am
Ok my friend there are some details:

creat a new client, you need-> id,name,lastname,date of birth,sex,adress,phone number
creat movies-> id,serial number,title,type,director,duration,actors,year
series->...... , seasons,epeisodes(1st-last)....
games-> ..... type of game,console....
also there are dvd or blueray for movies and series

the user can:
add-remove-modify movies-series-games by the copy(insert a new copy) or the title(modify the title)
add-remove-modify clients from the system
rent movies-series-games and insert in the system client's id, the serial number of the disc and the date of renting
charge the client when he return a disc....
games: 3 euros for 2 days and 1 for every additional day
series: 2 euros for 3 days and 0.5 for every additional day, if it is blueray +1 euro
movies: 1 euro for 3 d and 0.5 ...., +2 for blueray

also the user can search for files by the id and see the list with the avaible copies, save the situation
that's all the information i have, if you have something like that i would be very pleased !!
in my code i have only creat the appropriate classes(client,movie etc) and the menu...
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