code for Mph to Kph. URGENT HELP!

I have to write a code to convert Mph to Kph.

I'm lost on how I can fix the code.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

double ConvertToMPH (int MPH,);
double ConvertToKPH (double kph);

int main()
int MPH;
double KPH;

cout << "Please enter your MPH: ";
cin >> paceInMph;

return 0;

double ConvertToKPH(int MPH,)
return (MPH*1.61);

double ConvertTo(double kph)
return kph/1.61;
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Your code isn't really finished? There's no call to your functions, and paceInMph isn't defined.
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dude, you only need one post per topic
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