IDE (MVS 6.0 vs 2005, 2008, 2010)

Hello everyone! I was programming in C++ using Visual Studio 6.0, I liked it because it does not crate tons of files and your project folder stays “clean”. After a while some of the guys told me that I should use Visual Studio 2005 or higher as it is a newer standard. That made me think, if I am not a pro developer at the moment, and I am working mostly on my 2D Graphics engine, and doing some experimentation with matrices and vectors and overall engine structure and design.

So the question is:
Is there any serious reason why I should not use VS 6.0 anymore and switch to newer one?

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
... VC++ is by no means a standard.

Anyways, if you use VC++, it's suggested you stay up to date with IDEs. They give a new version of the compiler with each version of the IDE so it is a big deal among VC++ users. Although I'm sure this can be configured otherwise.
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Is there any serious reason why I should not use VS 6.0 anymore and switch to newer one?
VC++ 6.0 compiles pre-ISO C++, This means that valid C++ won't compile on it. You must change your compiler. If you want to stick to VC++ get the 2008 version or the 2010 beta
closed account (z05DSL3A)
VS6 and VC++ express 2008 will happily sit side by side on the same computer.

Install it, get used to it at your leisure and make the transition on your own terms. I'm fairly sure there are compatibility issues with VS6 and Vista/Windows 7.
Ok, thanks a lot guys! Installing VS 2010 Beta 2 now, Will just jump over!

P.S. VS 6.0 runs just fine on Vista/W7, as i am using it for 6 month on W7 since first Beta W7 releases and used it few years on Vista.

There are problems with VC6 maps. Variables declared in a for loop aren't local to the loop. Templates doen't work properly. There's no long long. There's no iostream library support for __int64. I could go on.

However, it's a nice clean and simple product. And you can get the Visual Processor Pack that includes an assembler. There's nothing like this with the later versions. And despite it's short comings it has been used to build good reliable commercial software in it's time. I like it and still have it installed beside 2003 and 2005.
There's no long long. There's no iostream library support for __int64.
These are not supposed to be...
These are not supposed to be...

There is in later 2003+.
They are not standard C++
The double understore on the name implies that.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
AnnihilatorOrion wrote:
P.S. VS 6.0 runs just fine on Vista/W7,...

Sorry I was basing that assumption on having had problems with VS2003 on Vista.
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Hey! I Think this link will help to answer all questions tha i had and maybe some people here might still have:
VS6.0 had several non-standard scope resolution situations as well...

	for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
		if (i > 5)
	cout << i;

		int i = 5;
		cout << i;
	cout << i;

Both these obviously contrived examples compile just fine in VS6.0, but are not standards compliant.
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