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for(int i = 0; i<number_update; i++)
cout << endl;
cout << "========="<<endl;
cout << "Record number : " << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "========="<<endl;
cout << "Add a new customer's number" << endl;
cin >> R4F[i].cus_number;
outfile << R4F[i].cus_number << '\t';
cout << "Add a new customer's name" << endl;
cin.getline(R4F[i].cus_name, 64);
cout << "Name : " << R4F[i].cus_name << endl;
outfile << (R4F[i].cus_name, 64, '\t');
cout << "Add a new customer's hours used" << endl;
cin >> R4F[i].cus_hour;
outfile << R4F[i].cus_hour << endl;
Why cant I write name to my txt file ? My txt shows cus_number and cus_hour only.
However, I can cout R4F[i].cus_name in my console instead.
Add a new customer's number
Add a new customer's name
hue hue
Name : hue hue //cout checking
Add a new customer's hours used
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How have you defined cus_name ?
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struct record4function
int cus_number;
char cus_name[64];
float cus_hour;
float charge;
record4function R4F[12];
With char.
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Why are you using the comma operator here? Do you understand what the operator does in C++?
Thanks Mikey, solved my problem by changing , to <<