Here are 2 steps in a hw problem for a class.
6. equalDate to compar e the dates of two Appointm ent objects, r eturn true if they are the same and false otherwise.
7. A constructor with default para meters. The default val ues are empty string for the name, 1900 for the year, 1 for the month, and 1 for the day.
This is what I have so far:
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class Appointment
string name;
Date date;
void print() const;
void setName();
int getName();
void setDate();
int getDate();
bool equalDate(const Date obj) const;
Appointment(int y=1900, int m=1, int d=1);
class A
int someint;
double somedouble;
someint = 5;
somedouble = 5.2340;
The constructor initializes the values of the members someint and somedouble. By the way, you can also pass values to a constructor like any other function. Using your Appointment class as an example, the user could also set the date in the constructor for Appointment:
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class Appointment
Appointment(int y_, int m_, int d_);
Date date;
//other stuff
Appointment(int y_, int m_, int d_)
date.y = y_;
date.m = m_;
date.d = d_;
//other initialization instructions