Need help with the program which was on my last programming competition

Hi guys, need help with the idea on how to solve this assigment with an fast enough algorithm.

There is a parkinlot with P spaces, parked one next to the other in one line. '#' is spot where the car is parked and '.' is a free spot. then K big trucks come and each of them takes L spaces and if there is no room you need to remove some of the cars. The task is to write an algorithm fast enough (under 1 sec) which will find the least number of cars needed to be removed so all the trucks could fit (trucks dont need to be one next to each oder)

P-size of the parking lot
K-number of big trucks
L-length of the truck
(P,K,L <=1000)

number of cars needed to be removed

test examples

6 1 3


9 2 3


15 2 5


All help is appriciated!
found a O(P*K) solution, considering the limits of the problem think that it is good enough.
First, compute the cost of trying to place a truck in every spot O(P)

The problem is now to chose K elements that are separated by at least L cells, and whose sum is minimal.
Then you generalise. you'll compute the minimum sum in the sub-array [0; x] (where x can go from 0 to P-1) with 1, 2, ..., K elements. Notice that when adding an element you can use the previous results.
Ty @np555
I think i understand what you're saying, ill try to write it down and if it doesn't exceed the time limit i will be very happy haha if not we'll talk again..
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