Having trouble with multi dimensional arrays

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Take a look at what operators do:


Especially the precedence and what a comma operator does.

Line 77 and 87 do not make sense. What is , row=space, col=space supposed to do?

On line 67 you determined that nothing but 'd' can be userchoice. Hence on line 87 userchoice can impossibly be 'f'. I showed you already how it is done right.
I'm trying to display a char character in place of the row and col in that loop, thats where I'm struggling.

as for the operators, I now have &~ in there so


userchoice='d' &~ 'f'

then the opposite of that for flagging instead of digging
as for the operators, I now have &~ in there so
That is nonsense. Take a close look at the link above. Don't give the operators new functionality (the really don't have)
yep you were right, I've changed it to an if else loop
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