Recommend Computer Architecture books - g/c++


I'm currently learning about computer architecture design, and wanted to find some additional resources to help me along the way (i.e. books, websites, videos). Specifically what I'm searching for are books that not only discuss the computer architecture, such as cache hierarchy, ISA, and pipelining, but also examples on how to construct them using g/c++. I searched the forum and found the following links:

And I also saw a lot of users suggest Tanenbaum's "Structured Computer Organization". But saw that there were a few editions and didn't know which one to look at for purchasing.

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding where I can learn to develop computer hardware architecture using g/c++? It can also be a combination of sources, as long as it can help me get more practice with my programming skills, and strengthen my knowledge on the hardware components.

Thank you!

P.S. - if it really matters, my computer is a dual-boot between Windows 7 & Ubuntu 14.04. On my Windows machine I use VS2013 and on my Linux side I use Eclipse CDT (however, I would like to learn how to use Code::Blocks since I see a lot of users speak highly of that IDE as well).
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