Can someone help me with this code?

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amm123 wrote:
how do you implement the following function in a list?

int Replace( double a, double b );
I have no idea. What exactly is that function supposed to be doing? How do you expect it to work?
amm123 wrote:
and how to create the definition of the FindKth and Delete member functions when given
// Returns the kth element in the array. Returns 0 if not found. 
 double FindKth::ArrayList (int position);  // You get this one for free if you implement FindKth. 
double operator[] (int position) { return FindKth(position); }

// Deletes a specified element in the array list
void Delete::ArrayList(double y);
The given code is incorrect. You have to write the name of the class before the name of the member: ArrayList::FindKth
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