please help me write code for this problem

The price of a motor vehicle in Malaysia is determined by few factors such its manufacturer and few types of taxes. However, in the duty free Island such as Langkawi, there is no import duty imposed for vehicles. On the other hand, in Peninsular Malaysia, 30% import duty is imposed on vehicles imported from non-Asean countries (such as Japan, Korea, Germany and France). Vehicle prices are further escalated by the tax rate and excise duty imposed. According to Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), on top of the 10% sales tax, the excise duty imposed on cars ranges from 65% to 105% (refer to table 1). Therefore, you are to write C++ program using an object oriented approach to develop a Vehicle price calculator. Your program should have at least a class called FreeDutyPrice consist of class’s members such as appropriate variables to store information, constructor, destructor and functions/methods. The information needed from user are: type of a vehicle, the country of origin, manufacturer price, engine capacity(cc), excise duty rate. The class ComputePrice should have at least the following functions/methods:-

• CalculateSalesTax – to calculate the sales tax
• CalculateExciseDuty – to calculate excise duty
• GetFinalPrice – to calculate the total price of the vehicle.

Engine Capacity (cc) Excise Duties
< 1,800 75%
1,800 - 1,999 80%
2,000 - 2,499 90%
Above 2,500 105%

You also should define another class called nonFreeDutyPrice which inherits certain properties from class FreeDutyPrice. The class nonFreeDutyPrice is used to compute the total car price for Peninsular of Malaysia. Members of nonFreeDutyPrice class should at least have appropriate variables, constructions, destructors and functions/methods such as a calculate import duty.
You are required to define a display function as a friend function to display information entered by a user.
Finally, your program should display appropriate information about the vehicle and the total price of the vehicle inclusive of all taxes.
[Note: input and output should be done in main() program]
Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homework for you. However we are always willing to help solve problems you encountered, correct mistakes you made in your code and answer your questions.

We didn't see your attempts to solve this problem youself and so we cannot correct mistakes you didn't made and answer questions you didn't ask. To get help you should do something yourself and get real problems with something. If your problem is "I don't understand a thing", then you should go back to basics and study again. As it is impossible to find deriviative of function without knowledge in ariphmetics, you cannot do more complex tasks in programming without clear understanding of basics.
can i send you my code and you help me check? because i scare my friend will copy my code from here.
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