Array Implemetation

can you help me to write this code?
I OutputOverlayEdges: a set of overlay edges, initially 0.
I Nodes: a 2-dimensional array over V × T whose elements are
subsets of V such that for each v ∈ V , ∈ 2 T: (1) Int (v, t) = true,
and (2) for each w ∈ Nodes[v][t]: Int (w, t) and both w and v belong
to the same topic-connected component for t.
I LinkContrib: an array of size |T| with elements being sets of
edges chosen from V × V . If edge e ∈ LinkContrib[i], then e ∉2
OutputOverlayEdges, and adding e to the overlay at the current
iteration will reduce the number of topic-connected components by
i (where 1 < i < |T|).
I HighestContrib: holds the biggest i for which LinkContrib[i] ≠ 0.
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