1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
void main()
passenger Seating[240],plane[12];
passenger S1;
int i,z,a,k=300,row,choice2;
char column,choiceone;
char character[100];
string depart;
string arrive;
time_t start; //declaring start as a time function
time (&start);
plane[a].seatplan(); //Set the seat plane for each plane
for (i=1;i<=100000;i++)
S1.menu(); //Display the main manu
cout<<"Which process you want to proceed <1-4>?"<<endl; // choosing which process would like to be proceed
while (true)
// Read the user's input
string s;
getline( cin, s );
// Get rid of any trailing whitespace
s.erase( s.find_last_not_of( " \t\v\n\r\f" ) + 1 );
// Convert the user's input into a number, if possible
istringstream ss( s );
ss >> choice2;
// If conversion worked, we're done
if (ss.eof() && (choice2 >= 1) && (choice2 <= 4)) break;
// Else conversion failed. Complain to user.
cout << "Please, enter 1, 2, 3, or 4> " << flush;
switch (choice2)
case 1: for (z=13;z>=12;z--)
cout<<"Please wait a while......"<<endl;
S1.loading(3); //hold the program for 3 seconds
system ("cls"); // clear the screen
cout<<"Please enter your details."<<endl;
cout<<"Name : ";
Seating[i].Setname(); //customers enter their names
cout<<"Nationality : ";
Seating[i].Setnation(); //nationality
cout<<"Identity Card/Passport NO. : ";
Seating[i].Seticno(); //IC no./Passport no.
cout<<"Address : ";
Seating[i].Setaddress(); //address
Seating[i].select_seat(); //customer select their desired seats
row=Seating[i].Getrow(); //Get the row
column=Seating[i].Getcolumn(); //and column chosen
plane[a].show_seat(row,column); //pass the row and column into function by reference using pointer
cout<<"Please check the details below are correct or not."<<endl;
cout<<"Name : "<<Seating[i].Getname()<<endl; //prints
cout<<"Nationality : "<<Seating[i].Getnation()<<endl; //out
cout<<"Identidy Card/Passport NO. : "<<Seating[i].Geticno()<<endl; //the info
cout<<"Address : "<<Seating[i].Getaddress()<<endl; //entered
cout<<"Depart At : "<<Seating[i].GetDeparture()<<endl;
cout<<"Arrive At : "<<Seating[i].GetDestination()<<endl;
cout<<"Seat No. : "<<Seating[i].Getrow()<<Seating[i].Getcolumn()<<endl;
cout<<"If correct, press <Y>. If wrong, press <N>. "<<endl; //confirm the info entered is correct or not
choiceone = static_cast<char>(toupper(choiceone)); //column is converted to uppercase and a temporary copy of type char is made
if (choiceone == 'Y')
cout<<"Seat reserved at "<<ctime (&start); //Set the reservation time
Seating[i].Settime(ctime (&start)); //for identical customer
cout<<"Your Reservation Reference No. : "<<i<<endl;
cout<<"Please settle your payment within 1 month. "<<endl;
cout<<"If not, your reservation will be cancelled automatically."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Press any character to continue. ";
case 2: cout<<"Enter your reference no."<<endl; //customers check their reservation
cin>>i; //using the provided reference after the
cout<<"Name : "<<Seating[i].Getname()<<endl; //reservatiion made
cout<<"Nationality : "<<Seating[i].Getnation()<<endl;
cout<<"Identidy Card/Passport NO. : "<<Seating[i].Geticno()<<endl;
cout<<"Address : "<<Seating[i].Getaddress()<<endl;
cout<<"Depart At : "<<Seating[i].GetDeparture()<<endl;
cout<<"Arrive At : "<<Seating[i].GetDestination()<<endl;
cout<<"Seat No. : "<<Seating[i].Getrow()<<Seating[i].Getcolumn()<<endl;
cout<<"Seat reserved time : "<<Seating[i].Gettime()<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Press any character to continue. ";
case 3: S1.Destination_list(); //Allow the customers to check the seats availability
a=S1.decision(); //for their desired flight
cout<<"Press any character to continue. ";
case 4: i+=100050; // exits the system
default: i--;
cout<<"Wrong Input. Please Select again. ";
S1.loading(2); //hold the system for 2 seconds before proceed to next line
system ("cls"); //clear the system screen