I'm getting a massive 1300 char link error with VC10. It appears to complain that it can't see the constructor although the constructor is definitely there.
However, the constructors seem to be there and if I copy them into my program just to make sure - the compiler complains that they are already defined:
namespace BinarySearchVector
template <class ElementType, class IdType> class ElementTemplate //allows comparison functions to be redefined
ElementTemplate(IdType myId) : id(myId), tickCount(0), requestingDeletion(false) {};
// declared type already set
Gateway::Gateway(EuiType eui, sockaddr_in const* myPullIpAddress)
BinarySearchVector::ElementTemplate<Gateway, EuiType>(eui),
position(maxNumberOfGPSReadingsUsedToFindAverage, minNumberOfGPSReadingsUsedToFindAverage),
if (myPullIpAddress)
pullIpAddress = *myPullIpAddress;