c++ program to implement bubble sort

4.)Design a C++ Program to implement the following functions:
a.)the function for bubble sorting : int bubblesort(int*a,int size).
b.)the function for merge sorting : int mergesort(int*a,int size).
c.)the function for generating array of random elements: int generate(int*a,int size) which calls the function rand() in c++.
d.)Test both bubble sorting and merge sorting with 10,100,1000,10000,100000 and 1000000,4000000 integers.The integers are from the array generated by part c).calculate the time spent in calling each sorting.you may use a function in <time.h>to get the current time.Draw curves to compare the speed performance between the two functions.The merge sorting algorithm implementation must use recursion.you are expected to define a global array for holding result from merging two arrays.otherwise,it may cause a lot extra money in recursion.
Hint 1:use the following format to calculate the time cost for bubble sort.
Time1=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>);
Tme2=Get the current time(call a function in <time.h>);
Time_cost=the difference between time 1 and tim2;
Print your program and test results

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