I'm making a 2D rpg game, but I have some problem with the sprite movement. The sprite movement feels choppy.
That's because I move the sprite 5 pixels per seconds. I now that I need somthing that have to do with SDL_getTicks and deltatime,
but I dont know how to use/implement it.
uhm... you could make a variable that holds the time that passed ^^
I think you want to make your Game run at 60 FPS but i'll just make a Variable so that you won't get confused...
also, you might want to initialize your SpritePosition Variables, but that may just be something formal... some time ago not initialized variables didn't automatically initialize to "0"
int FPS = 60;
int FrameStartTimeMs = 0; // will Hold the Time at the beginning of a Frame
float spriteDstY = 0.0f;
float spriteDstX = 0.0f;
float speed = 5.0 / FPS; // do NOT forget the .0 in 5.0, otherwise the Speed
//be a Integer Division (5 / 60) which would equal zero(0)
while(quit != true)
FrameStartTimeMs = SDL_GetTicks();
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)!= 0)
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
quit = true;
elseif (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
case SDLK_UP:
// does nothing until the Time of 1 Frame is over
while(SDL_GetTicks() - FrameStartTimeMs < 1000/FPS);
Thanks ^^ It works a little bit better, but it still feels a bit choppy. However do you know how I could make my game so it can handle mulitple key inputs at the same time. Because right now I can only handle one key at the time, and that makes the game feel a bit choppy.
Dead spins consume 100% CPU time which will make other processes on the system crawl, and will drain batteries on portable computers.
To accept multiple key inputs try changing your switch in your else if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) to if statements. All of them. Not if-else if, just all if statements.
Thanks!! It works... but not perfect. Because the sprite stops when I push down an another key before it starts to move again. So every time I want the sprite to move in an another direction it stops.
Oh I forgot a part. Make 4 bool variables, one for each key. Set them all to false, then in the function you have if a certain key is pushed then set its bool to true. (If you do this you will need a key released function to return the variables to false.) Then make a function to update the x and y if the bool for that key is true. Hope that helps.
Try taking out the FPS stuff maybe...you really shouldn't need it with the method I gave you. Just make sure your main update isn't more than 60 per second. I honestly can't think of anything else it would be at the moment.