CMakeLists.txt Help!!!

I am trying to configure my CMakeLists.txt file...

Right now, I have a folder called "build" where I type make to build the program

I have another folder called "HW2" where I have the CMakeLists.txt file, the hw2.cpp file, the hw2.h file, and another folder called "books"

Inside the "books" folder, there are .txt files that contain snippets of books.

In my program, I need to be able to access the text files when a user enters the filename on the command line.

I am having trouble with the CMakeLists.txt file, as I can not seem to correctly include the directory for "books" in the CMakeLists.txt file so that the books can be opened by the program.

Can someone please help!!

file(COPY <directory> DESTINATION <destination directory>)
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