Sorry for later response, I just got out of class, but yes the code works and looks good! Thank you! I didn't mean to make you do all that extra work! I have the rest of my code that looks good, all i was missing was drawing the diamond in the
void diamond::draw()
The only issue though is for like diamond d(7) I need the 7 to be just one side of the quadrilateral, not both.
So if i inputed d(7) then I would need 7 characters that print out for each side. I.E the area should then be 7 * 4 = 28.
not 4 * 4 = 16
how would the code change to implement that change??
It worked!!!!
You have no idea how much I appreciate this! Really! Seeing it actually be right on my screen has been the highlight of my day! Thank you so much again for working with me. It means a lot! How long have you been programming in C++?