So there is 3 blanks right, the first blank I got FOR that's right second blank only takes 2 digit value and the 3rd blank it's SUM that's it , I know you child end line with endl; but the challenge is more focus on those 3 blanks.
So to get the answer to that 2 digits response that we are looking for we have to do the math and that's where I'm lost cut I can't recall what i++ means
So your saying the new problem will read 1 < 10 because if i means increment den the question is not if 0 < 10 am i right?
I mean I know that the only accepted answer will be and had to be 2 characters or values,
_ _(int i=0,i< 10; ++i)
Now if ++ means increment then how am I incrementing a i? The value of i is 0 and if I'm going to increment it ++i then by how much? What will be the final value?
I know there's a big difference between
+ & ++
And I know that theirs a difference if the + or ++ get put before or after the value.
Dam I fell in love with c++ and now I'm getting beating by 3 char lol smh